Spring has sprung!..Or has it? Then why is it snowing??
Springtime is usually when we see Vermont's fifth season: Mud Season!
Besides the occasional snow squall, we do have sunnier, warmer days. The sap is flowing, and with all that snow melting it's turning everything to mud!
I found the first true sign of spring on the Museum grounds today!
The Snowdrops are about to
bloom in front of the Dutton House!
I start the seeds every year around the first of February.
These huge red beauties will be on display this season in front of the Vermont House.

And then there's the work to be done on our glass greenhouse!
Here's Chip replacing the broken glass thanks to all that snow this winter.
It should be up and running in a week!
So Happy Spring everyone!
And welcome to Mud Season, the un-official fifth season in VT!
Great blog from a fellow gardener! I *love* the pictures of your plants and would really enjoy watching their growth progress via your blog every couple weeks. I'll be checking back! In the meantime we can all just hope this snow will soon stop falling on our crocuses and snowdrops!